
Michelle Radge, Deputy Head, Acre Heads Primary School

"Within the upper Key Stage 2 classes, we had wanted to enhance our mental health and well-being provision with additional practical strategies beyond what the teaching staff within the school were trained or even confident to deliver. Hayley delivered purposeful and enjoyable mental health and well-being sessions where the children were able to reflect on their own mindfulness strategies whilst equipping them with additional ways to implement mindfulness in their own lives; her calm and caring delivery techniques allowed her to quickly establish good working relationships with the children. Feedback from the staff and children was fantastic with ***% of children stating that they would go on to use the techniques in their daily lives at school and at home. Hayley has continued to work with children in our school on a 1:1 basis and will be back again in the summer term to support the children and staff on our continued mindfulness journey"


Lisa Clark, Vice Principal, Leeds East Academy

"Leeds East Academy were fortunate to have Hayley conduct a series of Mindfulness sessions with a group of girls requiring support with anxiety. Hayley's demeanour throughout was calm and approachable ensuring the girls always felt at ease. Her sessions were professional and well planned and when required Hayley felt confident to amend her planning where necessary to maximise the learning for the students.  The girls found the sessions beneficial and learnt a variety of strategies to support them in preparation for their exams and in the future"


'In School' Courses

I have trained with London based 'Mindfulness in Schools Project' (MiSP) to deliver bespoke courses for both primary and secondary age students. Please have a look through the course outlines below and contact me to arrange a complimentary 'no obligation' consultation to discuss the content in more detail.  

Follow the link below to view the MiSP website and to find me on the teacher map...

                               Primary & Secondary Courses

Paws B 7-11yrs

Paws b is a 6-12 session curriculum for children aged 7 -11 and is offered formally as a series of lessons which often sit well within a PSHE curriculum or elsewhere, and informally through integrating the learning and practice of mindfulness in all National Curriculum subjects and in the children’s everyday lives.


The Paws B curriculum explores the following:

  • Specific areas of the brain and how these affect our ability to focus, make good choices, recognise  when we need to steady ourselves when our body or mind is busy or out of balance.
  • Ways that mindfulness can support us in many day-to-day activities, including concentration and memory, behavioural self- management, and in relationships with family and friends.
  • Ways to respond rather than react – and therefore make better choices and take best care of ourselves and others.



..breathe Course 9-12yrs

.breathe is a 4 session course in mindfulness particularly well suited to support transition from primary to secondary school. However it can also be taught as part of a broader PSHE curriculum. 




The .breathe curriculum explores the folllowing:

Working with the capacity of attention; exploring how we can work with a wandering mind.

Why humans worry, and how to support ourselves when we do so.

Sleep: why it is important and what to do if we struggle to sleep well.

Being with others : the opportunities and challenges of working skilfully with friendships and other relationships, both in person and online.



..b 11-18 yrs

.b is a fun and engaging ten-session mindfulness course for young people, adapted from the adult courses Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy. It is taught with striking visuals, film clips and activities that bring mindfulness to life without losing the expertise and integrity of classic mindfulness teaching. 

What are .b's Key Objectives?

.b aims to give students mindfulness as a life-skill. 

•to feel happier, calmer and more fulfilled

•to get on better with others

•to help them concentrate and learn better

•to help cope with stress and anxiety

•to use to enhance performance such as in music and sport

•to recognise the good and practise gratitude


.b 11-18 yrs Course Overview

.b introduces mindfulness to pupils aged 11-18 and is delivered in the classroom as a series of 10 practical, fun and engaging lessons. The course develops: 

  • Skills for greater happiness and well-being.
  • Strategies for relaxing and finding peace and calm.
  • Healthy coping strategies for stress, anxiety and every day worries.
  • Better focus - supporting learning, behaviour, performance and decision making.
  • Improved relationships with peers, teachers and family.
  • Understanding of one’s own mind and what makes for a happy, healthy person.

Each lesson brings to life a different theme of mindfulness; students learn simple mindfulness practices and techniques that they can begin to use straight away in their everyday lives. By training our attention to be in the present moment we develop the ability to calm the mind, improve focus, manage stress and to step back from negative thoughts. Each lesson builds a 'toolkit' that reinforces and strengthens the learning and practice from the previous lesson. The benefits to the individual and to the classroom can be striking.

Please take a look at the TED talk below delivered by Richard Burnett on the benefits of Mindfulness in Schools and the .b course.

Contact me for more details and to arrange a 'no obligation' virtual meeting


.breathe Course 9-12 yrs Overview

Each .breathe session includes:

An opportunity to ‘dip their toes in mindfulness’, exploring the ways in which this might support them through the highs and lows of adolescent life.

Exploration of the function and structure of key areas of the brain involved in daily experience

Social and emotional learning



Exercises they can try in their own time

Contact me for more details and to arrange a 'no obligation' virtual meeting.